Collinear Points :- In our previous Topic, some basic Geometrical Terms viz., Point, Line, Line Segment and Ray have been discussed. (Kindly go the link
In this section, we will discussed about Collinear Point and Non-Collinear Points
3(Three) or more Points are said to be collinear point, if and only if they lie on a same straight Line/Line Segment or Ray otherwise they are said to be Non-Collinear Point.
Let us consider a line and take any 3 three points viz., Point P, Point Q and Point R on it.

From the figure, one can easily say that Point P, Point Q and Point R lie on the same line, that is they form a straight line and so we can say that
P, Q and R are Collinear Point’s.
Again let us take, any 3(three) points on a plane.

From the figure, one can easily say that 3(three) points viz., Point A, Point B and Point C does not lie on the same line that is they do not form a straight line and so we can say that
A, B and C are Non-Collinear Points
Once again, we can say that 3(Three) or more Points are said to be collinear if and only if they lie on a same straight Line/Line Segment or Ray otherwise they are said to be Non-Collinear Point.
In the Language of Mathematics, the terms if and only if have its own meaning. It means that if a statement is true then its Converse is also true.
Let us understand this concept in terms of Collinear Point
If three or more point lie on a straight line then they are said to be collinear point.
[This is actually a condition for co-linearity of 3(three) or more points.]
Conversely, it is stated as
If 3(three) or more points are collinear, then they form a straight line.
Fast Facts:
- 2(Points) are always Collinear Point. Analyze and illustrate with example.
- How many Lines can pass through a Single Point?