How to update or Correction Aadhaar Card online?

Aadhar Card Update online issued by the unique identification authority of India (UIDAI) is the most essential and valid identification proof in our country. Aadhaar identification has now become very useful for every citizen of our country. If there is any incorrect or previous detail is mentioned in your Aadhaar card, you can easily update it online. UIDAI has made it more convenient for people to get their Aadhaar card updated by online means.

Here is given a brief process to correct or update your AADHAR card details like name, address, date of birth, mobile number and email address etc, soon by visiting the enrolment centre and you can update your address online through self service update portal.

Aadhar Card Update Online

  1. Visit the Aadhaar self-service update portal (SSUP) and you can click on the update button on UIDAI website.
  2. Click on “update your address online”.
  3. Then click on “proceed to update address”.
  4. Enter your Aadhaar card number and click on “SEND OTP”
  5. OTP will be sent to the mobile number registered in the UIDAI’S website.
  6. By entering this OTP, you can log in to the Aadhaar account.
  7. You can select either the” update address by address proof or “update address via secret code” or request for validation letter option.
  8. Now you can enter the new or corrected address in the proof of address and click on the (POA) and click on the preview button or you can modify the address by clicking the modify button.
  9. Select the document type you want to submit as POA and upload it and click on the submit button.

Your update request will be accepted and 14 digits URN (update request number) will be generated.

  • By using URN, you can check the status of your application, when it gets updated you can download the updated version and get your Aadhaar card print download.

If you have chosen the option of “update address by secret code” then your address will be validated by sending your validation letter which contains a secret code on the address verifier’s address (which can be your family member, friend, landlord) etc, you and your verifier mobile number should be linked with Aadhaar card for this purpose.

For this you have to choose the “request for address validation letter”. Address verifier receives link for consent after this resident receives confirmation of verifier consent on mobile and then resident receives the letter and secret code via post. And you can update address via secret code and the rest URN will be received by you.

For updating other details you have to visit the enrolment centre nearby you.

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